Offshore – Spezialschiffe benötigen Spezialdeckung
In der Offshore-Industrie kommen Schiffe in allen Größen, Formen und Funktionen zusammen, um individuell ihre speziellen Aufgaben und Dienste auszuführen, die dafür sorgen, dass Offshore-Projekte erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden.
Angesichts der besonderen Dienste, dem einzigartigen Arbeitsumfeld und der Lage in der die Aktivitäten durchgeführt werden, wurden maßgeschneiderte Verträgen erarbeitet, um bestimmte Aufgaben und Pflichten einzelner Beteiligter in der Kette der Auftragnehmer zu definieren.
Diese Verträge können sehr komplex sein. Nicht nur wegen der speziellen Natur der durchgeführten Tätigkeiten und der daraus nachfolgenden Haftung, sondern auch aufgrund der Tatsache, dass die verschiedenen beteiligten Unternehmen jegliche Größen und (finanziellen) Stärken repräsentieren. Jeder Betreiber ist bestrebt, seine individuelle Stellung gegenüber seinem Vertragspartner maximal abzusichern.
Diese besonderen Merkmale machen die Offshore-Industrie aus Sicht einer Versicherung zu einer der komplexesten Branchen. Vertragliche Bestimmungen in Bezug auf die Aufteilung der Haftung und Freistellung unter den Parteien gehen oft über den normalen Rahmen der Garantieleistungen der “Standard”-P&I-Versicherungspolicen hinaus. Sie erfordern spezielle Tätigkeiten und die vertragliche Erweiterung der Deckung.
Seit vielen Jahren bieten wir maßgeschneiderte Versicherungslösungen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Haftungsposition unserer Kunden gut geschützt ist, so dass sich unsere Kunden auf ihr Kerngeschäft und den operativen Erfolg konzentrieren können.
P&I insurance covers Assured’s liabilities such as (but not limited to):
• Personal injury of seamen, passengers and others on board
• Loss or damage of cargo
• Pollution
• Wreckremoval
• (Excess) collision with other vessels and property
• Towage
• Property on board
Especially in the Offshore industry contracts it frequently happens that parties deviate of the standard liability regimes.
Any amendment to the standard accepted conditions need special attention and where necessary additional cover has to be arranged. Post & Co will be pleased to assist in arranging cover for such contractual liabilities.
This type of insurance is closely connected to the War & Strikes insurance. It basically covers the ransom and associated expenses incurred following a kidnap incident for private individuals in any country in the world (not covered under a War & Strikes risks insurance).
The Kidnap and Ransom insurance is designed to specifically meet the needs of vessel owners in dealing with a host of demands by the kidnappers which requires swift action /response. Among the benefits are kidnap negotiators on hand to assist with negotiation and delivery of any ransom. The policy normally covers all related costs incurred specifically to secure the prompt safe release of the vessel, crew and cargo.
Various limits, area’s of cover and duration of the policy are available to offer tailor made solutions. One can understand that the premium for the areas mentioned in the List of Areas of Perceived Enhanced Risk (listed areas) are significant higher than for those areas which are not listed.
War & Strikes risks insurance is a separate policy and finds its origin in the F.C. & S. (Free from capture and Seizure) and War & Strikes related exclusion stipulation on the Hull & Machinery policies
Nowadays, piracy is one of the first perils which comes up when talking about War and Strikes risks cover. This as, although piracy is in fact still mentioned as a named peril on the various Hull & machinery policies, in practice piracy risks have now globally been excluded from the Hull & Machinery policies and transferred to the War & Strikes risks insurance policy.
It should further be noted that cover can be extended to include P&I (including Crew) and War Loss of Hire. The P&I aspect and especially the crew extension is of importance. This as the vast majority of P&I Clubs/Underwriters provide War P&I coverage in excess of the Hull & Machinery value as deemed to be insured under the War & Strikes risks insurance. Not effecting a P&I war extension can as such have severe financial consequences.
There are trading area restrictions by means of the Navigation Limitations – Hull War, Strikes, Terrorism and Related Perils Endorsement (JW2005/001A) dated 20th June 2005 in conjunction with the current List of Areas of Perceived Enhanced Risk (Listed areas) as may be published from time to time in London by the Joint War Committee. Effectively this excludes cover for vessels trading to area’s for which separate cover on special terms and conditions is to be arranged.
We can assist in setting up War & Strikes risks insurance arrangements and all relevant extensions where required.
For many years already we assist operators to obtain a COFR where required. For this purpose we have established good contacts with the various market parties involved as well as the U.S. Coast Guard.
Which vessels require a COFR
Vessels of 300 GT and above, calling at waters under U.S. jurisdiction are required to have a valid Certificate of Financial Responsibility (Water Pollution) on board.
What is a COFR
A COFR is a Federal Certificate issued by the US Coast Guard and is to evidence that operators can meet their obligations in case of a water pollution in accordance with certain US pollution laws.
Non Compliance with Regulations
In case of any calls made without a valid COFR certificate on board, the vessel involved can be detained or denied access to such waters with operators risking huge fines for non compliance with U.S. legislation.
Waters under US Jurisdiction – not only U.S. waters/EEZ
This requirement involves waters under U.S. jurisdiction, which not only includes the EEZ/waters of mainland U.S.A. but also waters of Dependencies like Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa etc.
Other COFR State Certificates
Next to the (Federal) COFR, individual U.S. States also have their own COFR requirements. The States California and Alaska are examples of such States. Also for these State COFR certificates we can provide assistance where required.
Other Certificates
Next to the above COFR’s there may be other certificates/arrangements required. From a practical perspective, given our involvement with vessels calling at US waters, we have obtained quite some experience in assisting our clients to obtain the most relevant certificates in our field, which next to COFR’s, include International Carrier Bonds as well as a COFR for passenger vessels – FMC Certificate(s).
The latter dedicated towards passenger vessels performing voyages to waters under U.S. jurisdiction. These vessels, subject to a number of parameters, have to evidence that the Operators are capable of meeting their obligations towards these passengers in either performing the voyage and delivering the passengers at final destination or in meeting liabilities following personal injury, death or sickness of passenger(s).
Operators responsibility
Although we try to assist our clients as much as possible, it is eventually up to owners/operators of vessels to establish which certificates are required and obtain these. Some certificates require quite some information to be disclosed and timely application as well as efforts from the side of operators to be taken given the substantial framework of regulations and requirements applicable.
Should you require any assistance following a scheduled call at waters under US jurisdiction therefore please feel free to contact us.
• Die P&I Versicherung deckt die Haftung des Versicherten bei (aber nicht nur):
• Personenschäden von Besatzung, Passagieren oder anderen an Bord
• Verlust oder Beschädigung der Ladung
• Verschmutzung
• Wrackbeseitigung
• (Exzess) Kollision mit anderen Schiffen und Objekten
• Abschleppen
• Eigentum an Bord
Post & Co bieten maßgeschneiderte Deckungen für Befrachter und wir laden Sie ein, mehr über unsere Versicherungslösungen für die Charterer-Branche zu lesen.
Die Clubs / Versicherer erwarten, dass ihre Mitgliedern / Versicherten Verträge basieren auf unveränderten Bedingungen für
verschieden Arten von Arbeit wie zum Beispiel:
• Hague / Hague Visby Regeln für die internationale Beförderung von Güter
• Das Athener Abkommen für die internationale Beförderung von Passagiere
Weiterhin, unveränderte Standard-BIMCO Verträge wie Supplytime 2005 NYPE, Baltime usw. sind allgemein akzeptiert.
Jede Änderung der Standard akzeptierte Bedingungen benötigt besondere Aufmerksamkeit und gegebenenfalls muss zusätzliche Abdeckung organisiert werden. Post & Co ist gerne bereit bei der Abdeckung für solche vertraglichen Verpflichtungen zu unterstützen.